Wednesday, July 28, 2010

body weight - a woman's nightmare

1999 - 53kg
baru lepas spm.

2004 - 55kg
year 4 in uni. naik sikit. blame it to the hormone (woman's metabolisme started to reduce at the age of 20).

2005 - 60kg
final year. masa tu baru kenal hafdzuan. konon-konon bahagia sangat la tu sampai berat naik pungggggg sampai 60kg within a year. masa tu jumpe kawan-kawan lama semua tanya "eh nampak berisi sikit". jawapan standard "a' ahh, tengah bahagia (jawapan poyo nak cover)".

2008 (before married to hafdzuan) - 60kg
berat dah stagnant sampai la sebelum & selepas kahwin.

2009 (final weight before gave birth) - 75kg
tu termasuk overdue-weight sekali tu. kalau bersalin on time takat 73kg jek (you'll gain so much weight at the end of pregnancy).

2009 (after giving birth to hadzim) - 64kg
i dont give a damn since there's nothing much i can do - i still breastfed, so i can't eat less (makan lagi banyak ada laaa). as long i can fit into all my pants & blouses, then its good enough for me (risau takut kene beli baju baru sbnrnya hehe). hence the only way is to start my jogging & swimming routine back.

2010 (exactly after 1 year of giving birth) - 59kg
wooohooo. dah lama giler tak merasa weight dengan angka 5 (its after 5 years!!). thank you for breastfeeding + jogging + swimming + no family planning pills (family planning pills might increase your weight, and it scares me a lot).

with the height of 167cm, my ideal weight is 58kg.
another 1 kg to shed off.
its easy peasy, heh (blagak kau ye).

but sometimes, the weight does not help you to have your-anak-dara looks back, it's all about your figure (32-26-32?; which is totally impossible to get, especially for woman who has become a mother). spare tyre is still everywhere!


ak yuyunz said...

waaaaa.. kak yun nk nangis ni.. before married 57kg only sayang oi. la ni dh jadik mcm mak nenek plak rupenye.

nasib baik preggy menyelamatkan kdn kekekeke..

ashra said...

tapi,ko tak la gemuk farah..sbb ko,nmpk cantik,juz nice dgn 59kg skang ni.sepadan ngan hubby ko,kurus tinggi gak kan..

raya nti aku dtg umah ek.hehe

Rembo said...

tapi lepas deliver pun masih muat baju kurung biru time dinner dak dak mechanical tu.

takde hals sangat lah!

FrH said...

kak yun - haha kalau cenggitu agak2 xbleh turun weight get yourself pregnant jek laa .. haha! good idea :)

ashra - errrr, hubby selalu komplen ckp aku gemuk :| & nak suruh aku slim mcm dia (!!!). hehe jemput dtg raya nnt ashra (walopon puasa x lg haha).

rembo - haha ya ya. so far baju smua muat, tp komplen dari hafdzuan tetap ada. huh.

Psyche said...

My aunt cakap (after I complained about my 'value-added' figure) "hati-hati..nanti second pregnancy, selalunya badan akan lagi cepat naik". terus nak nangis dengar dia cakap macam tu. ahahahahhaha...

FrH said...

arfah - hah? really? never heard before .. *and so i cried ..

atulhani said...

hai farah... ! frh: i pun baru baca blog u..tapi tak sempat drop comment. pun teruja bila tahu u minat swimming and so on.. husband n wife plak tu.. tapi kite tak pernah terjumpe kat P6 plak yerk... belilah basikal.. nanti boleh basikal sama-sama. apa yg nak wat 10kilo? basikal tu 20-25km takde apa sangat pun..

atulhani said...

berat saya pun berkadar-rata dengan masa... sikit2 dah meningkat naik.. nak turun punyalah susah. figure masih ok, berat pun masih ideal... tapi still takut naik... huhuhuhu...

FrH said...

atul - sikit2 tu yg lg ngeri tu, lama2 jadik bukit. yeah kan dah kata berat naik mmg a woman's nightmare hehe

p!nkerton said...

berat i b4 pregnant & after pregnant agak stagnant. lebih kurang. tapi keyword nya adalah GEMUKKK! huhuh benci lah. i bab sukan2 suka la, in fact seminggu 3-4x turun main, tapi bab exercise & jogging sumer tu i femalass hamats! :(
best la u farah ideal weight *jeles*

FrH said...

fateh - hehe tu laa psl. xpe laa as long u ada bersukan ok dah to keep yourself fit. bersama-sama menjadi lebih sihat! :)

Mrs Z said...

I'm so jealous of you! :p (Don't think I'll ever get back to my ideal weight. sigh....)

FrH said...

Mrs Z - xpe, yg penting sihat dan tiada sakit2 :). i jeles dgn u sbb u so kayaaaa .. hahaha (kidding).