and i didnt take it serious at all. all i think is - ok, u were talking crap, whateverlah! (ngeh ngeh ngeh. its not i dont want to believe it, but i do think its just too possible for him).
and now, after 2 years of serious preparation & training, his dream finally come true. he completed his first triathlon - olympic distance.
his first triathlon -PD International Triathlon. Sun, 250710.
we depart from our place at 5.20am & arrived the place at 6.15am.
bike check in at 6.30 am. (after snap this photo, i accidentally drop my DSLR and my flash was toatally spoiled. tskk. tskk. i almost cried. luckily the event starts at 7.30am, so i dont need the flash!).
first discipline - swim 1.5km.
2nd discipline - bike 40km.
while waiting for hafdzuan to complete his bike course (which took about 45min), my mum & i brought hadzim & his cousin to the sea side.
i was acting like a paparazzi for the whole event - menunggu ketibaan hafdzuan, snap sini, pastu lari lagi kejar dia, snap sana plak, kejar lagi snap lagi. but its all worth it.
(his wished - to have a photo completed with his timing & the arch finisher).
next - iron man!!! tapi tak tau bile ... hehe.
walopon korang tak paham apa yg i ngarut ni, tak pelah, the entry is all about my hubster & im so proud of what he's doing & having him in my life :)
Hi FrH. Congrats to Hubby on his achievement. You must be so proud of him. Bukannya senang nak compete apatah lagi nak habiskan triathlon.
tq :) yes i am! yeahh memang payah, paling takut kalau injured or xfinish. im glad he's doing good all the way.
hehehe you're like reading my mind.. i was like.. hmmm ok.. what is this all about...
but yeah u're right.. its about your little family.. and the love & support you give for wan to pursue his interest... so happy for you guys !! :)
congrates to ur hubby..
hubby i skang dok pulun main basikalsana sini..tensin juga kena tinggal.tapi malas nak ikut dia..hahahah
lia - hahaha. expected ;). tq! :)
siti - tq :). maybe u kene try ikut. it's fun actually :)
tahniah, wan punya impian tercapai. good luck untuk masa akan dtg.
berbangga dgn wan.
thanks erin :)
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