sebab hafdzuan the husband took part in Powerman Malakoff held in Sri Manjung.
this Malakoff event was the first time for him. he took part in sprint discipline--> run 5.5km - bike 30km - run 5km.
so untuk first time, test power kat sprint dulu laa. next year baru try yg long distance. tp next year i pn nak join jugak ... huhuhu. mana nak cekau 3, 4 ribu nak beli beskal ni .......... hopefully i can join such event too, before i reach 30 :)
we off from our place at 11am. arrived manjung at 3.30pm.
spent our night at Malini's apartment at Lumut. Malini is my friend back in uni time. she offfered her place to us that completes with bed & aircond (dah mcm dok hotel dah). bole laa save budget, hihi. tqvm mal!!! :)
malam tu g mkn ikan bakar kat Lumut. no photos. hadzim was on bad mood. nak makan pn susah. maybe sbb panas and dia asyik berpeluh. Lumut is freaking hot - day or night sama jek panas. nasib baik hotel free ada aircond :P
the next day (sunday), woke up at 5.15am & prepare some breakfast for hafdzuan. change hadzim's shirt & diapers. off to Sri manjung stadium at 6.15am.
after he starts his run, i went back to my car to bf hadzim as he started to make noise & demand for his milk.
then after 1/2hr, i went to bike-out station to snap some photos because hafdzuan will arrived at any time for his bike transition.
... and i waited for Malini to fetch me to go for breakfast.
he will be back after 1hr bike and make his transition to run. i was not there. busy breakfast dan bergosip. hehe.
official result. for the first timer like him, the result is just amazing. yes im so proud of him :)
next year u jaga hadzim, i pulak masuk .. bole..?
powerman lumut = terbakar. panas weyy sini.
me & Malini-yg baik hati-ada apartment company bayar-depan laut-yg full furnished-ada ekon-siap bg aku duduk free lagi:)
family photo at Lumut :)
gerak balik kl at 2pm. arrived at 6pm.
tido awal as monday - wednesday kene gerak awal, ada training kat ritz charlton, bukit bintang.
it was 7 habits training.
ye aku berlagak sbb dah ada cert 7 habits (bleh demand gaji lebih lepas ni).
i heart my boss very much who sent me to this training, not because the training is just so beneficial to practice (in daily life & working life), but because i can had my lunch at starhill restaurants for free. ngeh ngeh, nak harap duit sendiri g makan & shopping kat sana tunggu dapat gaji 30k dulu barulah layak g sana ;)
memang power... boleh la apply jadi power rangers
Your baby is so adorable. :D
arip - haha. nnt aku suruh wan apply.
mrs z - thank u. this adorable baby is darwisya-damia's cousin :) hope u noticed that.
weh, nti wa usha satu port. Tapi 2nd la. Roadbike yang 3 4 ribu punya spec dapat way cheaper than that. nak?
ye ke. nnt aku bgtau wan.
anyway plan nk beli lg 1 beskal thn 2011 la bang.. huhu
takde la just bagitau. Kalau nak beli dulu. he he he tunggu wa usha port baik ni dulu. Harga siap kurang separuh harga. amacam? goyang?
kalau ada duit baru laa goyang .. hahaha :P
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