last night, my friend / ex-housemate / ex-coursemate did call me and asked bout the convocation day. erm.. most of my coursemate have completed their degree and graduated. some of them have been working, and be the engineer. some of them still tanam anggur. and some of them have proceed their study and took master.
but for myself and some other friends which choosed to extend, have another one semester (or may be more) to make this 5 years journey of study to be ends. argh. sometimes i feel regreted why did i make this way, eventhough i know i would completed it on time. but never mind, at least i have great reason - graduated with my beloved one. he's the only reason why im still here now. :)
and today i have a look on some of my class photo. emo moment. i miss them. so much. being together for 5 years probably will leave me with too much memories to treasure on...
i hope i will end my semester with flying colors. and will have my dream job - be an engineer. and own an integra. both of them are my dreams. my destiny... ( and not to forget some adult things laa)
for my lovely friends who will graduated this coming august, congratulations. i wished i could be with them ...
nak pakai integra?... giler a ko...
ye arh. type R.
huyoooo..... muda & merbahaya betul ko ni..... supra tak minat?
supra lawa gak. tp tentunya type R lg lawakan?
semua benda type R yg ko minat....
moto wan type R gak..... tapi R=Rempit...... hahahahahaha
wei wan ko dah buat onar kat parit raja?
wahahha. tu laa psl. mmg rempit pon. aku naik moto skali jek dgn dia, xmo naik dah ..
apasal?.... apa kes?.... apa cerita?
dia bawak mcm rempit arh. tu psl aku xmo naik lg hahaha
woit wan... time bawak moto tu ingat2 skit kat bontot yg tersayang.... kang kalo dah rabak cam bontot sapri.... sape yg susah?.... aku gak yang susah... dah x ble jual ko lagi....
aper cer ni?
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