Monday, October 03, 2011

hadzim on cars bag & the tragedy

finally we found this cars bag on last saturday for hadzim, at one of this stall at the curve. haruslah pakai dari siang ke malam. bukak masa nak mandi jek tu pon puas dipujuk supaya bukak.

but on that night (saturday), it was the unforgotten night for me.
hadzim was playing with the baby bouncer in his play room (while carrying his cars bag of course), alone, and i did not have any idea how it was happened. suddenly he cried loud and his mouth was full with blood. darah merata-rata atas lantai. siap terpercik kene dekat bag cars baru dia tu. tengok mulut penuh darah, tak nampak gigi pon (i thought he has lost his teeth!). then baru perasan dah terkoyak sebelah dalam bibir. terus rush ke klinik (around 9pm). on the way to clinic, his mouth has stop bleeding and he stop crying. senyap jek...

sampai klinik, i rush to the counter (while hafdzuan carry him) and i said to the girl at the counter, this is an emergency case, i need emergency treatment. my son's mouth fulled with blood.
the girl asked where's your son?
tu dia ...

 elokkkkk jek tengah main slide dalam klinik tu (saw his t-shirt with blood spot..?). buek malu emak kau ajooo keco-keco ckp emergency. huhu.

went to see the doctor and the doctor said tak payah jahit (walaupon panjang luka about 2cm & dalam plak tu). pakai cream saje dan bole cantum balik. cuma lambat sikit baik laa sebab tak jahit.
haih, sebab tu hari minggu so diam saja. kalau weekdays harus terus ke klinik abang haku saja so dia bole jahit immidiately (my brother said kalau jahit lagi cpt baik, xpayah suffer lama-lama sbb akan jadik ulser). the next day mmg dah jadik ulser so dah xbole jahit dah.

currently hadzim looks ok, bibir bengkak sikit, tp makan mcm biasa. siap bedal kerepek pedas lagi.
pity him :(

this morning, before i off to work. bagun-bangun terus cari bag cars dia. bibir masih bengkak.

get well soon baby :(


ak yuyunz said...

walau apapun yg terjadi, bag cars tetap pujaan hati ye ajim hehe.. :)

Rembo said...

alololo sian hero sorang ni. Apa kes beb sampai pecah bibir? jatuh ke ape?

Dils said...

Aku ingat bile anak2 membe ko sume sebut nak beg Hadzim tu masa birthday party. Hihi.

Dils said...

Aku ingat bile anak2 membe ko sume sebut nak beg Hadzim tu masa birthday party. Hihi.

Miss Lili@ said...

ngaaaaaa kesiannye hadzim!!! but actually what happened? dia jatuh ke?

anyway aritu pun masa khayr pecah bibir pun aku dah panic gile, first aku check is gigi dia.. huhu.. and orang cakap air liur budak is the best cure for luka yang diorg ada kat dalam mulut.. so hope hadzim nye luka will be healed in no time...

ashra said...

lahai..siannye die..
budak2 gitu lah tgh melasak..

emm..kalu aku pun tatau prefer jahit ke kesian lah pulak.

kalu jadi ulser,emm..lambat baik,at least,kita tau,itu ulser akibat luka..

cepat sembuh ye hadzim..

FrH said...

kak yun - tu laa psl, x effect pon ;)

rembo - ntah laa aku pn xdpt kenalpasti mcm mana exact happened sbb dia dlm bilik, tiba2 jek berdarah2 .. huhu.

dila - haha tu laa psl, cars ni mmg menjadi pujaan hati the boys laa!! hehe.

lilia - ntah laa aku pn xde idea what actually happened, cuma aku suspek bouncer tu terbounce blk n kene mulut dia kot pastu dia tergigit bibir sendiri. haihhh. mmg panic kan. dah laa hadzim 1 gigi dah sompek dah, apa pon kalau berlaku dlm mulut berdarah kene terus check gigi dia dulu. owhh yeke xtau plak psl air liur baby tu, tp ulser hadzim tgk arini dah progress very well dah, mmg btol kot psl air liur tu. thanks for the info :)

ashra - haaa tu laa lg boys mmg agak lasak laa .. huhu. ntahpape diorang main. tu belum melompat sana sini lg. aku xkisah kalau kene jahit pon yg penting cpt baik, kesian kt dia. tp tgk hari ni progress dah ok dah :) tq anyway.

p!nkerton said...

Laaaa siannye hadzim! Luckily tak teruk sgt. Mmg hero hehe.. :)