Monday, August 30, 2010
i just love this one!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
hadzim: nod for "yes"

for these 2 weeks, hadzim has showed us his new capability.
he will nodded his head whenever he wanted to say "yes" or shaked his head from side to side to say "no" for some of our questions.
as for example,when my mum or i asked him:
"hadzim do you want to eat?";
"hadzim berak eyh?";
"hadzim do you want milk?";
"hadzim nak t*t*k?";
"hadzim nak sleep?"
he will nodded his head, if he wants to.
if he doesn't, he will shaked his head from side to side.
i am not sure whether he completely understand the questions or he just simply nodded.
but most of the time he has correct answer for those questions, as for example when i asked him "hadzim do you want some more (rice)?" he shaked his head side to side. and to re-confirm, i tested him by giving him another spoon of rice and he decline. see? that means he already reply me "i dont want anymore laa ibu".
yesterday, when i was busy at the kitchen preparing for iftar, hadzim was in the kitchen too and wanted to play with cooking oil bottle, batu tumbuk, kitchen stuff bla bla bla. and that makes me angry.
i yelled at him and said,
"hadzim pernah tengok ibu jadik tarzan tak?"
he shaked his head, side to side (means- no, never looked ibu with tarzan looks).
and i asked him again,
"nak tengok ibu jadik tarzan kee?!!"
.. and he nodded his head. with smile on his face.
ouchhhhh (melting my heart).
tak jadik nak marah dah!! :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
welcoming ramadhan
2008; my 1st ramadhan as a wife
- masa tu baru 3 bulan kahwin. semangat memasak memang berkobar-kobar. 95% adalah home made cooking. balik keje terus bersilat kat dapur. seingat i, sekali je pegi bazar ramadhan. i tak berapa berkenan makanan kat bazar ramadhan. sebab mostly hasilnya adalah mengecewakan. so daripada berbuka dengan rasa kecewa, maka adalah lebih baik home made cooking.
- dan adalah seronok sebab pertama kali dapat pergi tarawikh bersama-sama dgn husband :)
2009; my 2nd ramadhan as a wife + 1st ramadhan as a mom
- i remembered my last year ramadhan, 1st day puasa berbuka kat airport sebab kene hantar hafdzuan. hafdzuan off to korea for 2 weeks for training.
- last year jugak, i tgh bf hadzim (he was 3 months old by then). everyday during lunch hour, i balik rumah just to direct breastfeeding on him. by 5.00pm, normally i dah lepak gile level nak pengsan dah (bf semasa puasa mmg letih gilee).
- anyhow, i'm lucky cause my mom was staying with me. so of course la mak lg banyak memasak dari diri sendiri hihihi. sungguh seronok balik je rumah, lauk berbuka yang power mower semua dah siap terhidang. 2 thumbs up for my mom!
- time sahur plak, normally hadzim tidur je. ada la few times dia terbangun so terpaksalah angkut dia ke bawah bersahur sekali. tangan kiri pangku hadzim sambil menetek, tangan kanan suap makan ke mulut sendiri :)
- first time puasa penuh setelah sekian lama .. woohoooo!!!
- tak pergi tarawikh langsung, buat kat rumah jek (tu pon bukan buat hari-hari). huhu.
2010; my 3rd ramadhan as a wife
- hafdzuan still away from home for his course. but he will come back on weekends. boleh la 3x berbuka bersama per week. maka kurang sikit aktiviti paksa-kejut-bangun-sahur :P
- nampaknya tidak berkesempatan lagi untuk bertarawikh di surau lagi pada tahun ini. haih :( (sesape ada tips nak bawak toddler ke surau utk tarawikh pls give me some yeahh).
happy ramadhan to all muslims.
its time for us to clean our heart, removed all the envy feelings, says good things & be loyal to the absent (a gentle reminder for my ownself too).
may you be blessed everybody :)
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
night weaning & sleep training for hadzim
- night weaning --> seriously, i need to take a break for myself. hadzim mengempeng for the whole night (since he was 9 months old i think) & i can't move my body at all. every time i un-latched him, dia akan tersedar & merengek. aduh. tak boleh tahan laa .. sangat susah especially tetiba rasa nak ke toilet di tengah-tengah malam, ataupon nak bangun seawal 5pagi di hari isnin bile nak hantar hafdzuan balik ke Intan. badan pon terasa sakit kadang-kadang sebab terpaksa mengiring sepanjang malam.
- sleep training --> walaupon tidak ada tercatat di mana-mana, i do think 1 year old baby must have straight 9 hours sleep. 1 year old - right time to sleep training for a toddler.
why now?
- sebenarnya target nak buat lepas hafdzuan back from his course (end of Sept, lepas raya). at least sekarang ni masih ada teman tidur lagi. tak la tidur sorang-sorang di katil king size tu. but i changed my mind, kene buat sekarang. next week dah start puasa. kalau time puasa pon macam ni, habis laa sahur i. mana nak layan hadzim lagi, mana nak sahur lagi. at the end of time, i yang tak cukup tidur & letih nanti.
- gedik tak sabar nak suruh hadzim tido kat katil baru dia itewww. hihihihi.
how do i start night weaning for hadzim?
- keep distance from me -->percubaan menidurkan hadzim dekat tilam next to my bed is totally failed. sebab dia tau, tu bau bilik dia yg dia biasa tidur. kalau dah transfer ke tilam bawah pon, malam-malam dia terjaga, tepuk-tepuk dia mmg tak akan jalan (walaupon hafdzuan yg tepuk, bukan i). tetap mahu ngempeng. at last bawak naik atas katil jugak. so as a first step, hadzim must sleep out from my bedroom.
- place him at new area --> bile hadzim dah tidur, i transferkan dia to his own bed at his own room. to make him to get use with the new environment. my mom willing to sleep to the next bed (in the same room) untuk memantau dia for these few days. lepas ni maybe dah boleh tidur sendiri dah.
- change his meal time & his milk--> dulu hadzim bf sblm tido. body milk mmg cepat digest, so baby akan cepat lapar (that's explained why fm baby could sleep straight for 9 hours). so i tukar meal time dia. i tak bf dia sblm makan (to make him hungry), jadi dia akan makan banyak around 7-8pm. at 9.30pm hadzim will have his fm. dia akan tido lama sikit sebab kekenyangan.

my sleeping boy on his sleep training, at his very own bed, own room.
as for now, it has been a week hadzim on his sleeps training.
the first 3 days; dekat sploh kali dia terbangun tgh malam mencari candu, but my mom cuma cakap "syuhh, syuhhh, tidur" dan hadzim akan tido balik. kadang2 tu kalau tak jalan kene la my mom bangun & tepuk-tepuk dia.
day 4-6; hadzim bangun around 3,4 times. my mom tak payah tepuk dia lagi cuma cakap dari jauh "syuhhh, syuhh, tidur tidur".
last night; hadzim bangun sekali sahaja & cara yang sama my mom guna.
and it works well on him.
tapi pagi tu mesti terus bf dia, he looks very hungry. sampai kosong terus tangki susu :P.
hope by puasa nanti hadzim will have straight 9 hours sleep, until the next morning.
hadzim yang tido ganas, terpaksa letak comforter kat bawah katil sebab dia bole bergolek sampai ke bawah katil. then landing baek punye atas comforter tapi tak terjaga, elok je sambung tido. hehe. so cute.
effect to myself?
i have to admit, i miss having him under my armpit!!! huwaaaa.
tiada lagi bau baby yang masham yang enak dan lazat iteww di pagi hari.
tiada lagi tukang landing atas dada i malam2 sambil menyelak baju i.
tiada lagi tukang sepak kepala i masa i tengah tidur.
i miss them. a lot :(
pagi-pagi i bangun terus ke bilik hadzim. terasa sayu tengok dia tido sorang-sorang. terasa nak angkut dia tido balik dalam bilik i.
tapi kalau dari sekarang tak mula buat, bile lagi? takkan dah anak 2 semua nak berhimpit tido sekatil dengan parents? no way. they must start being independent from now on.
anyway, im glad sebab i dah start buat sleep training for hadzim. but to take him away from bf, yes i am not ready yet!! dan tak tahu bila akan ready. mesti lagi emosi gile bile dah tak bf lg. *sob*sob*sob*
and now? i need to sleep training for myself pulak. for the whole 1 year, not even once i have myself a straight 8 hours sleep, asyik terbangun sebab nak menyusu anak. sekarang ni masalah i, macam mana i nak tidur straight tanpa terbangun pulak? ngeeee.